



・ スマホなしで暮らす…これは頻度の高い英語ですね。「~なしでいられない」と否定で使われることも多いです。
・~と結婚する…誤ってmerried with とすると子連れ結婚のように感じるとか
・街のすぐ近く…the cityというのでその前に都市名が出てきたろうかと思いましたが、そういうことではなく大きな街の近くということですね。

★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Living without Smartphones
Can you live without smartphones and Wi-Fi? My wife and I are in Austria now, and we are staying with a man who stayed with us in Nagoya more than 20 years ago. He is a classical musician and is married to a classical singer. They have three sons and live in the countryside just outside the city. No one has a smartphone, and there is no Wi-Fi. The boys seem happy without the Internet. The school year hasn’t started yet, so they are at home. Instead of going on their phones, they play music, talk to us, and ride their motor scooters. I will send out Jaremaga every day, but I’ll do my best to stay off the Internet for the next week.



1週間、英語クラブを無料でお試しいただけます。お気軽にお申し込みください。お問合せ、お試しお申し込みはこちらをクリック ↓

