今週のじゃれマガ 便利なcome out


Anime and Visual Effects
Sunday evening was a good night for Japanese movies in Los Angeles. This year “The Boy and the Heron,” Miyazaki Hayao’s latest movie, got the Academy Award for the best animated feature film. People who have seen it say that it is a difficult and strange film that makes you think, but most people love it. “Godzilla 1.0” got the award for the best visual effects. It has been 70 years since the first Godzilla movie came out in 1954, and they keep on coming! I haven’t seen either of these movies, but they are both in movie theaters now. All I have to do is find the time to go.


★「ゴジラ映画第1作が1954年に出てから70年がたち、今も新作が出続けています」というのが1つ目の文です。世に出る/デビューする/出版する、などをcome outという平易な動詞で表現できます。今も出続けているkeep on comingもぜひ真似たいですね。




1週間、英語クラブを無料でお試しいただけます。お気軽にお申し込みください。お問合せ、お試しお申し込みはこちらをクリック ↓

